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V.S. Zarubin, I.Yu. Saveleva, E.S. Sergeeva


Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation

# 12·2017


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2013, no. 5 (25), pp. 78–90.


Zarubin V.S.

Prikladnye zadachi termoprochnosti elementov konstruktsiy


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Zarubin V.S., Kuvyrkin G.N., Saveleva I.Yu.

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versity. Series Mechanical Engineering

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Attetkov A.V., Zarubin V.S., Kanatnikov A.N.

Vvedenie v metody optimizatsii

[Introduction to optimization methods]. Moscow, NITs INFRA-M Publ., 2008,

272 p.


Attetkov A.V., Zarubin V.S., Kanatnikov A.N.

Metody optimizatsii


tion methods]. Moscow, RIOR Publ., 2012, 270 p.


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2011, no. 7, pp. 53–58.

Zarubin V.S.,

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honoured Scientist and Engineer of the Russian

Federation, Laureate of the Russian Federation Government prize in the field of science

and engineering, full member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E.

Tsiolkovsky. Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, Bauman Moscow State

Technical University. Author and editor of over 550 published works in the field of ap-

plied mathematics and thermomechanics. e-mail:

Saveleva I.Yu.,

Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Assoc. Professor, Department of Applied

Mathematics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of over 20 scientific

works in the field of modelling transient heat conduction.


Sergeeva E.S.,

Assist. Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, Bauman Moscow

State Technical University. Author of over 10 scientific works in the field of modelling

the mechanical properties of structure-sensitive composite materials.
