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Моделирование взаимодействия мобильного робота и опорного основания…

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 12·2016 15

Simulating the interaction between a mobile robot

and a supporting surface with the help of polygon

intersection algorithms

© A.A. Stadukhin

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

When simulating the interaction between vehicle chassis and supporting surfaces, re-

searchers often disregard geometrical shapes of the contacting element and the ground

profile, studying “point contact” only. This article suggests representing machine ele-

ments and ground profile as polygons and studying their intersection by employing well-

known algorithms — GJK (Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi), EPA (Expanding Polytope Algo-

rithm) and CA (Clipping Algorithms). We supply a short description of the algorithms

and explain how to adapt them to the application under consideration. We show a tech-

nique for splitting the path into convex polygons, required for algorithm operation. We

demonstrate the results of simulating a simple mechanical system in the MATLAB envi-

ronment. As an example, we provide a simulation of a mobile robot with a roller walker

chassis climbing stairs. We specify the primary difficulties concerning the application of

the simulation technique discussed.


transportation, robot, supporting surface, simulation, MATLAB, GJK, EPA.



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