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Телеметрические средства обеспечения функционирования манипулятора ERA

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 6·2017 15

Telemetry means for ensuring the operation

of the ERA manipulator

© L.A. Savin

S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia,

Korolev town, Moscow region, 141070, Russia

The article presents the evolution of soft- and hardware of telemetry equipment for sup-

porting functioning of ERA manipulator. The current project of implementation of the

ground telemetry tools of ISS Russian Segment robotic systems is described. The com-

parative assessment of the Russian and foreign elements included in the tools is per-

formed. The author's vision of the required directions of ground-based telemetry tool

development for the Russian robotic systems is presented taking into account the prospect

of using domestic robotic systems in manned complexes.


International space station (ISS), Mission Control Center (MCC), ERA ma-

nipulator, telemetry, MPTE



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Chast 2 [Space flight control. Part 2]. Moscow, BMSTU Publ., 2010,

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Kotuzhenko N.V., Savin L.A.

Inzhenernyy zhurnal: nauka i innovatsii —

Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation,

2016, iss. 2.

DOI 10.18698/2308-6033-2016-02-1465

Savin L.A.

(b. 1970) graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University in

1994. Head of Sector, S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia, mem-

ber of the Main Control Group (Russian Segment of ISS). Author of 3 research publica-

tions in the field of space flight control. Research interests: robotic system operation in

manned space systems. e-mail: