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Механика горных лыж: резаный поворот без ангуляции

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 7·2017 15

Mechanics of alpine skiing: carve turn without angulation

© S.D. Legotin


, A.A. Rivlin


, V.I. Danilin



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


Training center of the Russian alpine ski and snowboard federation,

Moscow, 115230, Russia

The article deals with the problem of modelling the motion of the skier–skis system when

the skier is making a carve turn without lateral slippage and naturally edging the skis

with no angulation. We found out the conditions for making a carve turn without angula-

tion, which impose constraints upon the steepness of the slope, the speed and movement

direction of the skier. The basic dynamic problem represents the differential equation

system. Step-by-step integration of this system solves the problem and allows us to meas-

ure the trajectory, speed and center-of-gravity position of the skier–skis system as well as

the skier’s inclination and travel time along the trajectory. To illustrate this developed

model we showed problem solving examples for two particular cases of motion. The re-

sults obtained can be of great help to trainers and teachers specializing in ski tourism

and sport, as well as to the developers of ski equipment.


biomechanics of sport, slalom path, angulation, skier’s inclination, carve turn



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Legotin S.D.,

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assoc. Professor of the Theoretical Mechanics Depart-

ment, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. e-mail:

Rivlin A.A.

, teacher of the Russian Alpine Ski and Snowboard Federation Training Cen-

ter, Moscow, Russia. e-mail:

Danilin V.I.

, Head of the Training center of the Russian Alpine Ski and Snowboard Fed-

eration, Moscow, Russia. e-mail: