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Задачи динамики космических конструкций с жидким топливом…

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 5·2016 13

Problems related to dynamics of space structures featuring

liquid propellant leaking out of spherical vessels

© Duy Hung Nguyen, A.N. Temnov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article studies the influence of liquid propellant on dynamic characteristics of space-

craft. We present numerical solutions to the problems related to oscillations of liquid

propellant leaking out of static spherical tanks into a fuel feed. We considered oscilla-

tion problems for liquid propellant leaking out under low-gravity conditions. We supply

a solution to the boundary value problem for proper motions of a fuel tank rotating in

reference to an arbitrary point and featuring a spherical cavity partially filled with liq-

uid, leaking out through an intake device.




liquid propellant


small oscillations, perturbed motion, static tank,

moving tank, spherical vessel, intake devices.


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Nguyen Duy Hung

(b. 1985) graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical Universi-

ty in 2012. Post-graduate student, Department of Spacecraft and Launch Vehicles. Spe-

cialises in gas and fluid dynamics. e-mail:

Temnov A.N.

(b. 1945) graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School in

1971. Cand. Sci. (Phys.&Math.), Assoc. Professor, Department of Spacecraft and Launch

Vehicles. Author of over 20 scientific publications in the fields of gas and fluid dynamics

and rocket and space technologies.