Идентификация нелинейных объектов и систем управления с использованием аппарата матричных операторов - page 14

Ю.П. Корнюшин, Н.Д. Егупов, П.Ю. Корнюшин
Egupov N.D.,
Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor of the Automatic Control Systems Department at
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of about 200
publications in the field in the theory of matrix operators, energy, optimal systems; re-
search interests: theory of matrix operators, nonlinear, optimal, robust control system.
post-graduate of the Automatic Control Systems Department at Ka-
luga Branch of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of 23 publica-
tions in the field of power engineering and electrotechnology, simulation of technical sys-
tems, control of technical systems; research interests: nonlinear, optimal, robust control
system. e-mail:
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