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Е.А. Сухов, Б.С. Бардин


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 11·2017

Numerical and analytical plotting of periodic motion

and investigating motion stability in the case of a symmetric



E.A. Sukhov


, B.S. Bardin



Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Moscow, 125993, Russia


Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of

Sciences, Moscow, 101990, Russia

A specific case of motion of a solid dynamically symmetric satellite along a circular orbit

in reference to the centre of mass is its hyperboloid precession. If the hyperboloid preces-

sion is stable, the equations of satellite motion allow for existence of periodic motion

families that describe the oscillations of the satellite's dynamical symmetry axis in the

vicinity of the hyperboloid precession. It is possible to derive these families in the form of

convergent series in powers of the small parameter, i.e. the oscillation amplitude. There

exist two types of these motions: short-term and long-term. If the amplitude is not small,

it is necessary to employ a numerical method in order to plot the motions. In the three-

dimensional space of the problem parameters, the authors plotted the region where long-

term motions exist that stem from the hyperboloid precession of a symmetric satellite. We

deal with the cases of resonance being present and third order resonance being absent.

We conducted a first-order investigation of the orbital stability problem for long-term

motions. We provide the problem statement and the results of plotting the periodic mo-

tions analytically in the absence of resonances. We describe in brief the method for plot-

ting the periodic solution families numerically. We present the results of numerical and

analytical plotting of long-term solution families stemming from the hyperboloid preces-

sion in the vicinity of the resonance. We draw conclusions on the first-order orbital sta-

bility of said solutions for small amplitudes.


Hamiltonian system, periodic motions, dynamically symmetric satellite, nu-

merical continuation of solution families, regular precession, orbital stability, resonance



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