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В.М. Балык, А.А. Маленков, В.С. Петровский, А.С. Станченко


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 10·2017


Piyavskiy S.A., Brusov V.S., Khvilon E.A.

Optimizatsiya parametrov mnog-

otselevykh letatelnykh apparatov

[Optimizing the parameters of multipurpose

aircraft]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1974, 168 p.


Balyk V.M.

Statisticheskiy sintez proektnykh resheniy pri razrabotke slozhnykh


[Statistic synthesis of design decisions in complicated systems develop-

ment]. Moscow, MAI Publ., 2011, 280 p.

Balyk V.M.

, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Designing of Aero Hydrospace Systems Depart-

ment, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). Member of the Russian

Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. Research interests include:

Statistic synthesis of complicated engineering systems.

Malenkov A.A.

, post-graduate of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research Univer-

sity). e-mail:

Stanchenko A.S.

, post-graduate of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research Uni-


Petrovskiy V.S.

, Chief Research Scientist of the Joint stock company Military and indus-

trial corporation NPO Mashinostroyenia.