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Построение многоцелевой системы крылатых ракет…

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 10·2017 13

Constructing a multipurpose system of cruise missiles

within the conditions of multifactorial uncertainty

© V.M. Balyk


, A.A. Malenkov


, V.S. Petrovskiy


, A.S. Stanchenko



Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, 125993, Russia


Joint stock company Military and industrial corporation NPO Mashinostroyenia,

Reutov, Moscow region, 143966, Russia

The article considers the problem of constructing a system of cruise missiles resistant to

the change of the external target environment. We have formulated a criterion of stability

that allows selecting such design decisions which increase the feasibility of accomplish-

ing the target by the system. Our work defines the statistical functional interconnection

between the optimality criterion and the design decision, which provides an opportunity

for finding a reasonable stable design decision. We introduce a criterion of the design

decision immunity to the multifactorial uncertainty that is dependent on the impact of the

uncontrolled factors related to the target. A large variety of such factors, different nature

of their origin and the incompleteness of knowledge of their laws dictate the need for

considering the multifactorial uncertainty from more common positions connected with

the notion of the design decision immunity to the perturbing factors. As the criterion of

immunity we examine a regularity criterion written in relation to the Lipschitz constant

characterizing the degree of the criterion scores immunity to the variations of the multi-

factorial uncertainty.


cruise missile, optimal target allocation, multifactorial uncertainty, functional




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