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Перколяционная модель накопления микродефектов и коллапса…

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 11·2016 15

Percolation model of micro-defects accumulation and

forced elasticity area collapse before the crack fracture

front in polymer and composite materials

© A.A. Valishin


, I.V. Antonova



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


Moscow Technological University, Moscow, 119454, Russia

The results of this study allow us to follow qualitatively and quantitatively all the induced

elasticity evolution stages before the crack front zone in polymeric materials. They are:

zone formation, micro-defects emergence, holes and their elastic field, interaction of the

holes, holes binding and fusion and the clusters formation, the holes’ emergence process,

kinetics at the initial and advanced stages. In this paper we consider the elastic zone evo-

lution final stage: the formation of infinite holes’ cluster and the elastic band collapse.

The study considers induced elasticity zone hierarchical structure, formulates elastic

band collapse percolation test, and obtains an oriented amorphous-crystalline fiber con-

centration failure criterion and the resulting elastic band percolation test collapse simi-

lar to known in the literature. The ratio of these criteria is a universal constant with ac-

curacy of 2.58. Close to collapse almost all the holes are in a bound state, and the elas-

tic band is riddled in all directions with cracks network – channels that connect the holes.

At the collapse time the share of "damaged" holes of the elastic band is not more than

30% of the entire area, and it is riddled with channels and connecting holes.


crack, induced elasticity zone, micro-defects-holes, percolation, an infinite

cluster, the elastic band collaps.



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