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Simulating the process of vibroimpact cutting in precision investment casting

Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation

# 1·2018 11

Simulating the process of vibroimpact cutting

in precision investment casting

© V.E. Eremyants

Kyrgyz–Russian Slavic University named after B.N. Yeltsin,

Bishkek, 720000, Kyrgyz Republic

The article deals with separating castings from the central gate channel, that is, the

sprue, which is one of the most labour-intensive operations in precision investment cast-

ing. In practice, the vibroimpact method is considered the most promising way of carry-

ing out this operation, not only increasing operation efficiency, but also decreasing time

spent and material lost over the course of subsequent operations, and making it possible

to exclude certain operations whatsoever. In order to coordinate cluster parameters and

impact load characteristics that ensure optimum casting separation without any damage

to the sprue, it is necessary to investigate and analyse impact dynamics in the cluster. We

suggest simulating the cluster as a rigged rod with distributed parameters. We provide a

mathematical description of the dynamics inside the cluster and establish how loads and

stresses in the sprue cross-sections and runners connecting castings to the sprue depend

on various factors. The patterns revealed provide sound reasons to select certain ap-

proaches to designing clusters and specifying impact load parameters.


precision casting, cluster, sprue, runners, castings, model, rigged rod, impact,




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