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Анализ точности работ, производимых рабочим механизмом одноковшового экскаватора

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 8·2017 13

Accuracy analysis of earthworks performed by shovel

working mechanism

© E.O. Podchasov, A.D. Terenteva

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

In civil engineering, when laying trenches for urban communications in infill construc-

tion, there is a need to use high-precision construction machines equipped with control

systems. The most promising are the machines built on adaptive methods, since they

make it possible to synthesize the control algorithm in the work process. The need for

such systems is due to the high requirements to performing excavation works, established

by construction norms and rules. A significant proportion of the work on constructing the

communications is carried out using a shovel excavator with a hydraulic drive. To ob-

tain practical recommendations for improving the accuracy and application of control

systems, a mathematical model of the operating mechanism of a shovel excavator has

been developed. This model allows us to estimate the accuracy of excavation, analyze

possible sources of geometric errors and make up a working area and service area. The

developed model makes it possible to analyze the kinematic and technological errors and

the sources of their appearance. We propose two ways to reduce the errors to acceptable

limits, either using the control system or without using it on existing equipment.


shovel excavator, mathematical model, automatic control system, service

zone, precision



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