Метод выбора демпфирующей характеристики системы подрессоривания…
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 6·2017 11
Selection method of tracked vehicle damping characteristics
© А.А. Tsipilev, A.B. Vasiliev, D.G. Kibizov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
At present, due to the increase in the caterpillar machines power-to-weight ratio, when
the technologies for manufacturing highly-engineered engines are known and widely
used, the machine average speed following the traction capabilities limitations has in-
creased significantly. Therefore, the motion regime along periodic irregularities is possi-
ble, with the caterpillar being completely detached from the supporting surface. This
motion type leads to constant incidence of the car from a certain height and frequent sus-
pension breakdown, since the suspension system (SP) is selected according to other crite-
ria. The article considers a method for selecting a damping characteristic that provides
the maximum energy capacity while providing a given acceleration level in the driver
place. The article shows simulation results, and confirms that the powerful forward
damping introduction allows us to suppress the oscillations.
caterpillar machines, torsion suspension, pneumohydraulic suspension, sus-
pension system, smooth running, damping
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