Проект базы знаний для разработчиков ракетно-космической техники
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 8·2016 15
Knowledge base project for rocket-and-space
technology developers
© L.S. Tochilov
JSC MIC NPO Mashinostroyenia, Reutov, 143966, Russia
The problem of preserving and developing knowledge by an organization-developer of
rocket and space technology (RST) requires creation of an up-to-date knowledge base
(KB). For several reasons, there was a significant gap between the advanced experience
in development and use of the knowledge base and the existing level of information sup-
port of knowledge in the RST development. An objective obstacle to overcoming this gap
is a higher level of KB complexity compared with other IT solutions. The purpose of the
article is to show that the knowledge base for RST developers is not just another IT solu-
tion but a new style of work, which generates and satisfies the demand for creating and
using new knowledge for the benefit of RST developers. We consider a KB project for
RST developers in the scientific and technical and organizational views. We list the fac-
tors which are necessary for successful implementation of the knowledge base in the
knowledge management system (KMS) of an organization and major mistakes that lead
to failure.
knowledge base, knowledge management system, rocket and space technolo-
gy, rocket and space company, knowledge base, Fluor, CALS-technology, KB, KMS, RST,
RSC, CMDB, non-formalized knowledge, ontology, semantic search.
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