И.А. Рожнов
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 4·2016
Development of a modified method of the emergency
situation analysis for operational solving
of spacecraft control problems
© I.A. Rozhnov
S.P. Korolev Rocket And Space Public Corporation Energia, Korolev town,
Moscow Region, 141070, Russia
The article considers an approach to the automated analysis algorithm modification on
the basis of the state matrices. To assess the condition of the onboard spacecraft systems
it is proposed to form previously a multitude of considered classes. Since the potential
number of emergency situations is large enough, the restricting parameters are selected.
The systems with the highest probability of failure are analyzed; it is proposed to restrict
the classes depending on the control operation crew activity, to form an estimator for a
particular class. This formulation of the problem allows improving the efficiency of op-
erational control, and the flexibility of the action algorithm allows analyzing the opera-
tion of almost all permanent onboard systems and spacecraft dynamic processes.
spacecraft, automated control, decision theory, operational flight control,
emergency situation, automated data analysis.
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Rozhnov I.A.
(b. 1986) graduated from Moscow State Forest University in 1986. Lead
engineer at “S.P. Korolev Rocket And Space Public Corporation Energia”.