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Система многоуровневой импульсной коррекции

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 3·2016 13

A system of multi-level impulse correction


Yu.V. Velikiy, A.N. Klishin

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

Current political situation and counter-terrorist measures lead to the majority of warfare

being carried out locally, and, as a rule, in densely populated areas. This trend formed

the grounds for developing new artillery and mortar systems and updating older ones

with guided munitions. The necessity of employing guided munitions, in its turn, is due to

high mobility of contemporary weapon systems and improvements in their protection.

Given that artillery and mortar munitions are small in size and have to be well-suited for

mass production, be simple in design and boast low production costs, their guidance sys-

tem should be cheap, simple, reliable and at the same time able to ensure high efficiency

of target defeat. The article deals with the problem of defeating a target with a given ac-

curacy in the case of insufficient prior information on its actual position. It must be noted

that an impulse correction system features a fixed value of the correction push, which

leads to the issues of “under-“ or “over-correction”. We suggest introducing a multi-

level correction system to solve this non-trivial problem, employing correction engines of

varied thrust.


guided munition, impulse correction system, multi-impulse correction, correc-

tion engines.



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