О.П. Петросят, А.К. Горбунов, А.Б. Кожевников, Е.А. Горбунов, А.О. Петросян
Synthesis of devices with the required frequency properties
O.P. Petrosyan
, A.K. Gorbunov
, A.B. Kozhevnikov
E.A. Gorbunov
, A.O. Petrosyan
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000, Russia
KADVI, Public Corporation, Kaluga, 248018, Russia
The article describes the developed methods and algorithms for constructing active RC-
filter with the required frequency properties with minimal constructive complexity. In the
process of solving the tasks we used algorithmic procedures of optimal spectral approxi-
mation of the numerical results.
actuators, the amplitude frequency characteristics, phase frequency charac-
teristics, algorithm for calculating the active filters.
[1] Kozhevnikov A.B., Petrosyan O.P.
Ezhektsiya i sushka materialov v rezhime
[Ejection and drying of materials in pneumatic transport
mode]. Moscow, BMSTU Publ., 2010, 132 p.
[2] Kozhevnikov A.B., Petrosyan O.P. Effekivnaya identifikatsiya tekhnolo-
gicheskikh ob"ektov vodopodgotovki
[Effective identification of water treatment
technological objects].
Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi
konferentsii “Tekhnologii ochistki vody”
[Proc. of the IV Int. sci.-pract. conf.
"Water Treatment Technologies"]. Kaluga, 2008, pp. 140–143.
[3] Kozhevnikov A.B., Petrosyan O.P
. Programma spektral'noi optimizatsii chislen-
nykh rezul'tatov
[Spectral optimization program of numerical results]. Cert. gov.
reg. No. 2010615194, Rospatent, 2010, 70 p.
Petrosyan О.P.
(b. 1950) graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1978.
Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Physics Department at Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow
State Technical University. Scientific interests include automation of technological pro-
cesses. e-mail:
Gorbunov A.K.
(b. 1947) graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
in 1971. Dr. Sci. (Phys.&Math.), Professor of the Physics Department at Kaluga Branch
of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Scientific interests include automation
of technological processes. e-mail:
Kozhevnikov A.B.
(b. 1942) graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University in
1970. Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Physics Department at Kaluga Branch of Bauman
Moscow State Technical University. Scientific interests include automation of technolog-
ical processes. e-mail:
Gorbunov E.A.
(b. 1974)
graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University
in 1998. Ph.D., deputy head of the Economics Department at the Public Corporation
“KADVI”. Scientific interests include automation of technological processes.
Petrosyan A.O.
(b. 1993) is a student at the Industrial Ecology and Chemistry Depart-
ment of Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Scientific inter-
ests include automation of technological processes. e-mail: