Проблемы и перспективы реализации политики импортозамещения при формировании производственной кооперации по применению композиционных материалов в отечественном гражданском авиастроении на примере ОАО "Объединенная авиастроительная корпорация" - page 12

Т.Г. Садовская, Е.А. Лукина
Problems and opportunities of import substitution
policy implementation in the formation of industrial
cooperation on the use of composite materials in the domes-
tic civil aviation industry: business case
of "United Aircraft Corporation"
© T.G. Sadovskaya, E.A. Lukina
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
A serious challenge to the development of the domestic civil aviation is increasing pres-
sure on the Russian industry in the form of Western economic sanctions that limit imports
of assemblies and components required for production. Under these circumstances, the
most important direction of industrial policy is the import substitution combined with
innovations development, implying the use of new technologies in production and man-
agement to enhance the competitiveness of domestic aircraft companies. The paper stud-
ies the business case of "United Aircraft Corporation" and analyzes the problems of de-
velopment and production of domestic civil aircraft in the situation of substitution of im-
ported units and components. Some propositions are made regarding the formation of
industrial cooperation of leading domestic aircraft companies to develop a new aircraft
with a high degree of composite materials implementation in its design.
cooperation, import substitution, civilian aircraft, composite materials, com-
Sadovskaya T.G.,
Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Foreign Economic
Activities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Honorary
Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia. Author of about 120 publications includ-
ing 12 monographs in the field of theory and methodology of organizational
economic corporate design, organizational economic business analysis, foreign economic
activities organization, business process management of high technology enterprises.
Lukina E.A.
graduated from the Department of Entrepreneurship and Foreign Economic
Activities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 2014 .
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