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E.R. Ashikhmina, T.G. Ageeva, P.V. Prosuntsov

Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation

# 12·2017 13


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Ashikhmina E.R.,

first year Master's Degree student, Department of Aerospace Compo-

site Structures. Author of five scientific publications. Research interests include optimiza-

tion of composite structures, hybrid polymer composite materials, estimation of economic

efficiency of technological solutions. e-mail:

Ageeva T.G.,

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant, Department of Aerospace Composite Struc-

tures. Author of 21 scientific publications. Research interests include reusable spacecraft,

hybrid polymer composite materials, optimization of structures.


Prosuntsov P.V.,

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Aerospace Composite Struc-

tures. Author of 140 scientific publications. Research interests include analysis and iden-

tification of combined heat transfer processes. e-mail: