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Формирование требований к характеристике впрыскивания высокооборотного дизеля…

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 3·2017 19


Kuleshov A.S., Grekhov L.V. Multidimensional Optimization of DI Diesel En-

gine Process Using Multi-Zone Fuel Spray Combustion Model and Detailed

Chemistry NO


Formation Model.

SAE Tech. Pap. Ser

., 2013, no. 2013-01-



Grekhov L., Mahkamov K., Kuleshov A. Optimization of Mixture Formation

and Combustion in Two-stroke OP Engine Using Innovated Diesel Spray

Combustion Model and Fuel System Simulation Software.

SAE Intern. Tech.

Pap. Ser

., 2015, no. 20159328, 14 p.


ISO 8178-4–2013


Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya porshnevye. Izmerenie

vybrosa produktov sgoraniya. Chast 4. Ispytatelnye tsikly dlya dvigateley

razlichnogo primeneniya na ustanovivshikhsya rezhimakh

[Reciprocating inter-

nal combustion engines. Exhaust emission measurement. Part 4. Steady-state

test cycles for different engine applications]. Moscow, 2014, 23 p.


Tanabe K., Kohketsu S., Nakayama S. Effect of Fuel Injection Rate Control on

Reduction of Emissions and Fuel Consumption in a Heavy-Duty Direct-

Injection Diesel Engine.

SAE Tech. Paper

, 2005, no. 2005-01-0907.


Kuleshov A.S.

Razvitiye metodov rascheta i optimizatsiya rabochikh protsessov

DVS. Dis. ... d–ra tekhn. nauk

[The development of methods of calculation and

optimization of the internal combustion engines working processes. Dr. Sc.

(Engineering) Dis.]. Moscow, 2011, 235 p.


Bochkov M.V., Zakharov


, Khvisevich S.N.


modelirovaniye — Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations

, 1997,

vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 13–28.


Heywood J.B.

Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals

, McGraw Hill,

1988, 676 p.

Malastowski N.S.,

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assoc. Professor, Department of the

Piston En-


Bauman Moscow State Technical University. e-mail:

Barchenko F.B.,

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assoc. Professor, Department of the Piston Engines,

Bauman Moscow State Technical University. e-mail:

Grekhov L.V.,

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of the Piston Engines, Bauman

Moscow State Technical University. e-mail:

Kuleshov A.S.,

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of the Piston Engines, Bauman

Moscow State Technical University. e-mail:

Denisov A.A.,

Assistant Lecturer, Department of the Piston Engines, Bauman Moscow

State Technical University. e-mail:

Starkov E.E.,

post-graduate, Department of the Piston Engines, Bauman Moscow State

Technical University. e-mail: