Особенности проектирования дорожной одежды в зоне размещения датчика веса
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 1·2017 9
Special features of pavement design
in the weight sensor placement area
© S.S. Gavryushin
, V.A. Godzikovskiy
, M.V. Smirnov
¹Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 105005 Moscow, Russia
JSC Weight Measuring Company Tenso-M, Moscow Region,
Kraskovo, 140050, Russia
Mechanical interaction of automobiles and road surface has to be simulated in order to
prevent structural deformation of the road and to increase the pavement strength in plac-
es where weigh sensors are deployed. We developed a special program that interacts
with CAE system ANSYS. It automates engineering analysis of the road surface. We con-
sidered three types of sensors for a single pavement configuration and carried out an en-
gineering analysis at different ambient temperatures. The results include stress distribu-
tions in the pavement as well as the areas of surge and the branching ration. The
developed program is capable of simulating any pavement, sensor, wheel configuration.
: automation, pavement, strength, weight sensor, power branching ratio,
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