А.А. Гурченков, М.В. Носов
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 9·2016
Vasilyev F.P.
Chislennye metody resheniya ekstremalnykh zadach
methods for solving extreme problems]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2002, 552 p.
Korneenko V.P.
Metody optimizatsii
[Optimization methods]. Moscow,
Vysshaya shkola Publ., 2007, 664 p.
Nikolsky M.S., Grigorenko N.L., Dmitriev V.I., ed.
Izbrannye Trudy
L.S. Pont-
Ser. Vydayuschiesya uchenye MGU [Selected Works of L.S.
Pontryagin. Series Outstanding scientists of MSU]. Moscow, MaxPress Publ.,
2004, 552 p.
vraschayuschegosya tela
[Dynamics of fluid turbulence in the rotating body
cavity]. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2010.
Gurchenkov A.A., Nosov M.V., Tsurkov V.V.
Control of Fluid-Containing
Rotating Rigid Bodies
. CRC Press/Balkema Publ., 2013.
Gurchenkov A.A.,
Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist of the Institution
of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS, Professor of
the Department of Mathematics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
interests include control of rotating solid bodies with liquid filling, stability of dynamical
systems with fluid, nonlinear electrodynamics, Hamiltonian systems, “the surface of
shock”. e-mail:
challenge2005@mail.ruNosov M.V.,
Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Research Scientist of the Institution of the Rus-
sian Academy of Sciences Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS. Research interests
include control of rotating solid bodies with liquid filling, stability of dynamical systems
with fluid