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Е.В. Кирилюк, М.Н. Степанов


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 3


Some aspects of solving the optimal control problem

on the basis of the maximum principle for non-coplanar

interorbital transfer

© E.V. Kiriluk


, M.N. Stepanov

1, 2


Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


4th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation,

Yubileynyy town, 141091, Russia

The article considers the approach to solve the problem of determining the optimal thrust

vector control of propulsion system according to the criterion of maximization of the

payload mass in the orbital unit launch into an arbitrary target orbit, which is non-

coplanar to the original one.

The problem is solved using Pontryagin’s maximum

principle, which reduces the problem of optimal control search to solve a boundary value


The successful solution of the problem depends on the quality of the initial

approximation of its unknown parameters. In solving the problem the parameter

continuation method was applied. The technique of operational conversion of the

conjugate variable initial values using the symmetry properties of the target orbit

inclination with respect to the plane of the initial reference orbit was also applied.

As a

part of the work numerical modeling of the orbital block motion in the central

gravitational field of the Earth with the optimal control, obtained on the basis of the

maximum principle, was carried out. The dependence of the optimal launch scenario on

the form (eccentricity) of the target orbit was analyzed. The behavior of conjugate

variables, determining the vector of optimal control, which delivers a maximum output

payload mass with set limits on the duration of transfer, was analyzed for a wide range of

target orbit’s inclination. The analysis revealed the symmetry properties of the behavior

of conjugate variables, the use of which improves the efficiency of finding the optimal

solution. The obtained results can be applied in the field of ballistic design calculations

related to the development of launch vehicles (boosters, space tugs) and spacecraft for

various purposes. They can also be applied for assessing the capacity of existing launch

vehicles and determining the first approximation in the development of transfer schemes.


Pontryagin's maximum principle, non-coplanar interorbital transfer, optimal

control, launch.



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