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А.А. Валишин


The concentration of microdefects near the crack fracture

in polymers and composites based on them

© A.A. Valishin

The article continues and develops previous studies [1–3], which described the formation

of zones of forced elasticity in front of the crack fracture in amorphous glassy polymers,

the kinetics of destruction of weak nodes carrying the molecular skeleton formation and

accumulation of local micro-defects, called holes, their elastic interaction. In this paper,

it is shown that the interaction of holes leads to the fact that each hole is surrounded by

“atmosphere” of smaller holes. It is also shown that the crack front is the source of its

own elastic field. It is shown that the holes diffuse toward the front of the crack. Diffusive

flux of holes was designed.


: microdefects, crack destruction, polymers, composites.



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