Моделирование устойчивости сжатого и скрученного стержня - page 10

В.М. Дубровин, Т.А. Бутина
Modelling the stability of compressed and twisted rod
© V.M. Dubrovin, T.A. Butina
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
To calculate the stability of a rod under simultaneous effect of axial compressive force
and torque we offer an approximate method.
It is assumed that the main rod bending
rigidity differs slightly, and the rod torsion is very small. We considered
rods with
clamped ends,
with pivot bearings, and rod in the form of a compressed and twisted con-
For all cases we received diagrams of dependence of the rod stability parameter for
different values of the ratio of its principal bending rigidities.
rod, compression, torsion, stability, flexural rigidity, crippling load, torque.
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Dubrovin V.M.
(b. 1934) graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of
the Saratov State University in 1958. Ph.D., Assoc. Pro-fessor of the Computational
Mathematics and Mathematical Physics and of the Higher Mathematics Departments of
Bauman Moscow State Tech-nical University. Research interests: dynamics, strength and
stability of deformable systems; creep of structural materials. He is the author of five
inventions. e-mail: dubrovinvm1934@ mail.ru
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