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A.Yu. Shabanov, Yu.V. Galyshev, A.B. Zaytsev, S.V. Butorov


Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation

# 11·2017

final removal of the performance of the engine according to a preset

program; disassembly of the engine, the determination of the total mass of

sediment control details.

Determination of the mass of sediments was carried out by weighing

control parts on the analytical balance with an accuracy of 0.001 g. To re-

move traces of oil and other contaminants remaining on the surfaces of the

parts in the process of dismantling the engine used a specially designed

washing procedure of the control parts in the organic solvent with subse-

quent drying.

The results of the analysis of the data obtained in the first stage of test-

ing, we can draw the following conclusions:

in the tests the base gasoline is the initial mass of sediments in the

reference result of pollution, after a long twenty-hour engine running time

increased slightly for all gasoline, however, the growth of deposits was

small. This indicates a low tendency to sediment in the base gasoline and

the absence in their composition of detergent components. To a greater

extent the increase in the weight of deposits was detected in sample No. 4,

and is clearly associated with a significant compared to the other samples

the content of actual pitches (Fig. 1);

testing of samples of gasoline containing multifunctional additive,

showed a trend to decrease in the weight of deposits on all control weight en-

gine components: spark plugs, intake and exhaust valves, injectors (Fig. 2);

the greatest efficiency detergent additive component showed on the

sample of gasoline № 1 with relatively high content in the base gasoline

aromatic hydrocarbons and a complete absence of oxygen-containing

component, (Fig. 3). The lowest efficiency of the additives were recorded

on the sample of gasoline No. 4 with an abnormally high content of oxy-

genates, however, when working on a ton of deposits on the surfaces of

the control parts began to decrease;

best efficiency in the relative decline in the weight of deposits gaso-

line containing the additive, showed in terms of cleaning the intake valves.

Obviously, in this case, cumulative effects are “hot” treatment, in which

solid removes soot deposits from firing, the outer surface of plates of

valves; and cold cleaning, which removes organic deposits from cores and

inner surfaces of plates of valves, lapped by the jet of fuel from the injec-

tors. Minimum relative effect is detected in terms of cleaning injectors of

the fuel injection system.

The second phase of the pilot study was to answer the question about

the impact of the input concentration of multifunctional additive on the

instantaneous effects on reducing fuel consumption and change in toxicity

of the fulfilled gases and, depending on the composition of the base gaso-

line. On the basis of the information received was determined by the value

of the optimal concentrations of input multifunctional additive in gasolines

of different group compositions.