Features of the detergent additive behavior in gasolines of different group composition
Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation
# 11·2017
Features of the detergent additive behavior
in gasolines of different group composition
© A.Yu. Shabanov
, Yu.V. Galyshev
, A.B. Zaytsev
, S.V. Butorov
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia
LLC “Gazpromneft-Razvitie”, St. Petersburg, 197198, Russia
To solve the problem of improving the quality of fuels used in internal combustion engines, a
comprehensive approach is proposed, which includes the use of additives to gasoline, increas-
ing the detergent properties in parallel with completeness of fuel combustion. The results of
laboratory studies of present-day gasolines as well as the results of motor-bench tests of a
gasoline injection engine when it operates on gasolines of various group and oxygenate com-
positions, including those containing detergent additives and a combustion activator are pre-
sented. The relation of the group and oxygenate gasoline compositions, concentration of the
introduced additive with the technical, economic and environmental characteristics of the
gasoline engine is considered. The optimum concentration of multifunctional additive intro-
duction into gasolines of different group composition is determined. It is shown that the effi-
ciency of the additive deteriorates with increasing content of oxygenates.
gasoline, group composition, oxygenates, detergent additives, combustion
activators, motor-bench tests, carbonization, exhaust toxicity
Modern branded motor gasoline almost always contains in composition
the detergent additives. The purpose of these additives is to reduce the
level of deposits in the fuel system, the intake channels and on the intake
valves, in the combustion chamber of the engine [1–6].
Often the detergent is combined with the additive-activator of fuel
burning, the objective of which is to increase the speed and completeness
of fuel combustion in the engine. The activator of burning enhances the
action of detergent additives by activating a “hot” cleaning the combustion
chamber — temperature destruction of solid soot deposits on the fire on
the surface of the cylinder head and pistons. Thereby improving combus-
tion of the fuel-air mixture departs the threshold of detonation in the en-
gine, reduced the risk of pre-ignition. An important factor in the use of
gasoline containing a comprehensive package of additives is the decrease
in the rate of contamination of the active zone of the catalyst system to
suppress the toxicity of exhaust gases, therefore, extending their service
life [5, 6]. In addition, the increase in the speed and completeness of com-
bustion of fuel contribute to the increase of capacity and decrease in fuel
consumption of the engine [5, 6].
A comprehensive additive package gasoline performs two interrelated
functions. First, improving the quality of fuel combustion contributes to a
reduction in the tendency of the fuel to the formation of deposits. Combus-
tion occurs with the formation of lesser amounts of soot deposits, which