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A.Yu. Shabanov, Yu.V. Galyshev, A.B. Zaytsev, S.V. Butorov


Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation

# 11·2017

It is obvious that the above results belong to the “instant effects”,

which excludes the effect of cleaning additives components that manifest

themselves only after prolonged operation of the engine. Therefore, in ac-

tual operation of the engine numbers relative improvement of its perfor-

mance can be substantially higher and will depend on the duration of the

operating time of the engine on fuel with additive, the initial state of the

engine, and its modes of operation.

Thus, this study proved that the optimal input concentration of a mul-

tifunctional additive that provides the maximum effect as detergent com-

ponents and activator of combustion of its constituent depends on the

group composition of gasoline, primarily from the content and composi-

tion of the oxygen component in the fuel. The increase in the content of

oxygenates reduces the efficiency of operation of the additive and increas-

es its concentration. Therefore, in forming the branded fuels of the re-

quired individual selection of the concentration of multifunctional addi-

tives based on the composition of the base gasoline and set ratio “price —




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