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Численное моделирование процесса штамповки осесимметричных деталей…

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 11·2017 11

Numerical modeling of the process of stamping

axisymmetric parts from sheet blanks

by extraction with plastic metal

© M.A. Baburin


, V.I. Kolpakov


, A.S. Vyshegorodtseva



S.G. Mulyar



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia, Korolev,

Moscow region, 141070, Russia

The article presents a method of numerical modeling of the process of sheet metal stamping in

rigid matrices for

aircraft axisymmetric parts. We applied ANSYS environment (modules

Transient Structural and Autodyn) for non-stationary and dynamic tasks. The aim of the

study is to

reduce the time for experimental testing of the technological process. We show the

results of mathematical modeling of a workpiece stamping process using a ductile metal


different values of the strain rates and the coefficient of friction between the

matrix and the workpiece

. We found out that when forming parts with a small deflection

(less than 0.2) from different materials the speed of the punch and the sliding friction force

did not have a significant effect on the thickness and final shape of the resulting part. How-

ever, as the transfer speed of the punch increases, its significance increases for the parts

with a high deflection.


numerical modeling, stamping, punch, deformation of the workpiece material,

drawing with plastic metal



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