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И.А. Пономарева


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 7·2017

Method of computing manoeuvres parameters during

the space flight into the libration point L


of the Sun — Earth system

© I.A. Ponomareva

Central Research Institute of

Mechanical Engineering TsNIIMASH,

Korolev town, Moscow region, 141070, Russia

The article considers the problem of computing manoeuvres parameters at the stage of

the spacecraft flight into the neighborhood of the libration point and at the stage of

movement in the neighborhood of this point. We introduce the method of computing ma-

noeuvres parameters developed as part of the project “Spectrum-RG”. This method in-

volves maximizing the residence time in the defined area and is based on the quasi-

Newton method of the numerical optimization with simple constraints. The article looks

at the distinctive features of the method and the calculation data within the framework of

Monte-Carlo algorithm, which takes into account various types of inaccuracies and to-



libration point, quasi-periodic orbit, correction maneuver, quasi-Newton

method of optimization



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Ponomareva I.A.

, Engineer of the 1st category,

Central Research Institute of


Engineering TSNIIMASH. e-mail: