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В.А. Лиханов, О.П. Лопатин


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 1·2017

Investigating speed modes of Minsk motor plant diesels

running on natural gas

© V.A. Likhanov, O.P. Lopatin

Vyatka State Academy of Agriculture, Kirov, 610017, Russia

We discuss the matters of using compressed natural gas as an alternative engine fuel and

of reducing diesel exhaust gas toxicity. We pay particular attention to investigating speed

modes of the D-240, turbocharged D-245.12S and intercooled D-245.7 diesels. We pre-

sent experimental results dealing with the effect of compressed natural gas on power

characteristics, economic viability, toxicity and exhaust gas opacity of diesel engines.

The obtained results show that the use of compressed natural gas in all types of diesel

engines reduce the content of toxic components in the exhaust gases at the nominal mode

of operation.


diesel, compressed natural gas, turbocharger, toxicity, exhaust gases



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Chuprakov A.I.

Uluchshenie effektivnykh pokazateley dizelya 4Ch 11,0/12,5 pri

rabote na etanolo-toplivnoy emulsii putem sovershenstvovaniya protsessov

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Diss. … kand. tekhn. nauk. [Improving perfor-

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Zonov A.V.

Uluchshenie ekologicheskikh pokazateley dizelya 4Ch 11,0/12,5 pri

rabote na etanolo-toplivnoy emulsii putem snizheniya soderzhaniya oksidov azo-

ta v otrabotavshikh gazakh

. Diss. … kand. tekhn. nauk. [Improving environmen-

tal performance of the 4ChN 11.0/12.5 diesel running on ethanol/fuel emulsion

by means of decreasing nitrogen oxide content of exhaust gases. Cand. eng. sci.

diss.]. Saint Petersburg, 2011, 215 p.


Devetyarov R.R.

Uluchshenie effektivnykh pokazateley traktornogo dizelya

4Ch 11,0/12,5 (D-240) putem primeneniya prirodnogo gaza i optimizatsii

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performance characteristics of the 4ChN 11.0/12.5 (D-240) tractor diesel by

means of using natural gas and optimising combustion and heat generation pro-

cesses. Cand. eng. sci. diss.]. Saint Petersburg, 2003, 220 p.


Vylegzhanin P.N.

Snizhenie dymnosti otrabotavshikh gazov traktornogo dizelya

4Ch 11,0/12,5 putem primeneniya prirodnogo gaza

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[Reducing exhaust gas opacity of the 4ChN 11.0/12.5 tractor diesel by means of

using natural gas. Cand. eng. sci. diss.]. Saint Petersburg, 2003, 210 p.


Rudakov L.V.

Uluchshenie effektivnykh pokazateley dizelya 4ChN 11,0/12,5 pri

rabote na prirodnom gaze putem optimizatsii protsessov sgoraniya i


Diss. … kand. tekhn. nauk.

[Improving performance character-

istics of the 4ChN 11.0/12.5 diesel running on natural gas by means of optimis-