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Ю.И. Димитриенко, И.Д. Димитриенко, С.В. Сборщиков


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 11·2016


Dimitrienko Yu.I., Gubareva E.A., Sborschikov S.V

Inzhenernyy zhurnal:

nauka i innovatsii — Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation

, 2014, iss. 4

(28). Available at:


Dimitrienko Yu.I., Gubareva E.A., Sborschikov S.V


modelirovanie i chislennye metody

Mathematical Modeling and

Computational Methods,

2014, no. 2, pp. 28–49.


Dimitrienko Yu.I.

Mekhanika sploshnoi sredy. V 4 tomakh. Tom 4.


mekhaniki tverdykh sred

[Continuum mechanics. In 4 vols. Vol. 4.

Fundamentals of solid mechanics]. Moscow, BMSTU Publ., 2013, 624 p.


Dimitrienko Yu.I., Kashkarov A.I., Makashov A.A.

Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Bau-

mana. Ser. Estestvennye nauki

Herald of Bauman Moscow State Technical

University. Series Natural Sciences,

2007, no. 1, pp. 102–116.


Pobedrya B.E.

Mekhanika kompozitsionnykh materialov

[Mechanics of

composite materials]. Moscow, Lomonosov MSU Publ., 1984.


Dimitrienko Yu.I., Dimitrienko I.D., Sborschikov S.V. Multiscale Hierarchical

Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Composites by Asymptotic Homogenization


Applied Mathematical Sciences

, 2015, vol. 9, no. 145, рр. 7211–7220.

Available at:




Dimitrienko Yu.I.

Mekhanika sploshnoi sredy. V 4 tomakh. Tom 1. Tenzornyy


[Continuum Mechanics. In 4 vols. Vol. 1. Tensor analysis]. Moscow,

BMSTU Publ., 2011, 463 p.


Bakhvalov N.S., Panasenko G.P.

Osrednenie protsessov v periodicheskikh


[Averaging processes in periodic media]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1984,

352 p.


Sanches-Palensiya E.

Neodnorodnye sredy i teoriya kolebaniy


media and vibration theory]. Moscow, Mir Publ., 1984, 472 p.

Dimitrienko Yu.I.

, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Head of the Department of Computational

Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University,

Director of Research and Education Center of Supercomputer engineering modeling and

development of software systems, BMSTU, member of the Academy of Engineering

Sciences. Author of over 300 scientific papers in the field of continuum mechanics,

computational mechanics, gas dynamics, mechanics and thermal mechanics of composites,

mathematical modeling in materials science. e-mail:

Dimitrienko I.D.

, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist at the Research

and Education Center “Supercomputer engineering modeling and development of soft-

ware systems”, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of over 40 scientific

papers in the field of mechanics of heterogeneous media, dynamics of multiphase media.


Sborschikov S.V.,

graduate student of the Department of Computational Mathematics

and Mathematical Physics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of 20

scientific works in the field of numerical simulation in mechanics of composites.
