Д.Г. Васильев, В.В. Бетанов
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 7
Use of simulation modeling methods in problems
of studying the near-Earth spacecraft motion
© D.G. Vasiliev¹, V.V. Betanov²
¹Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
²Joint-stock company Russian Space Systems, Russia
The paper presents the concept of creating a simulating and modeling complex and stud-
ies the structure of the algorithmic software. In the research we examine the interaction
of the main elements of the complex. The modeling complex is designed for carrying out
and processing the measurement sessions during the spacecraft orbital motion, as well as
working out methods for determination and assessment of the vector of the spacecraft
state according to the observations of its orbital motion using the distorted information.
Moreover, we specified the model parameters according to the results of observations
from the ground-based measuring stations. The concept of the modeling and simulating
complex under consideration gives an insight into the work of its main subsystems and
allows us to improve the algorithms of the individual elements and the whole system as
spacecraft, simulation modeling, modeling complex, the prognosis of orbital
motion, measurement processing of current navigation parameters.
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