Ю.И. Димитриенко, И.Д. Димитриенко
Modeling of punching processes
of the textile composite ballistic shield
© Yu.I. Dimitrienko, I.D. Dimitrienko
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The objective of this research is to propose a mathematical model of deformation of tex-
tile composite materials based on aramid fabric under shock action. The model takes into
account the following deformation parameters of composite materials of the specified
class: the ability to change their forms without destruction at finite deformations, a con-
siderable difference between stress-deformation diagrams under tension and under com-
pression, dependence of these diagrams on a loading rate, pseudo-plastic properties of
materials caused by pulling out threads from fabric, anisotropy of nonlinear-elastic and
viscous-plastic properties and other effects. Additionally, we took into consideration vis-
cous-elastic properties of the aramid fibers, damageability and fiber breakage when
punching the textile materials. Thus, we stated the problem of dynamic deformation of
textile composite materials. In order to solve the problem, we applied the method of
band-adaptive grids in a two-dimensional case. We give an example of computational so-
lution of the problem, which involves a high-speed action of a striker onto a textile com-
posite material. In conclusion, we compare the computational modeling and experimental
results in punching the aramid textile composite materials.
: textile composite materials, dynamic processes, impact, punching, computa-
tional modeling, finite deformations, plastic deformations, viscous-elastic deformations,
aramid fibers.
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