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А.А. Гурченков, И.М. Герман, А.М. Романенков


Optimal design of the beam under Eigen-oscillation

frequency constraints

© A.A. Gurchenkov


, I.M. German


, A.M. Romanenkov



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


MATI – Russian State Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky,

Moscow, 109387, Russia

The problem considered in the work is relevant to the current situation in the field of

elastic body shape optimization. The proposed method of solving the problem is suita-

ble for use in practice. Various conditions of end restraint were studied. For the nu-

merical solving the extreme problem the methods of successive approximations and the

gradient projection were used. The problem is solved considering various beam pa-

rameter constraint conditions naturally arising in solving such problems. To calculate

the optimal shape of the beam deflection by the modern information technology, con-

venient for the user software was developed, allowing the results of calculations to be

clearly demonstrated.


optimization of the oscillation frequency, method of descent.



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