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Анализ перспективных конструкций несущих систем грузовых автомобилей…


Analysis of perspective designs of truck bearing systems

on the example of patents of world manufacturers



. Gorbunov, A.A. Smirnov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article presents the analysis of the most significant inventions in the field of vehicle

bearing systems from the world leading automakers and automotive component manufac-

turers. The most rational and technological designs of frames, cross members, side mem-

bers, subframes are described. The basic approaches applied to their development are

explained. Attention is paid to the distinction between vehicle bearing systems with de-

pendent and independent suspension. Constructive solutions providing the necessary

strength, durability and protection of components and assemblies during vehicle opera-

tion are described. The basic development trends in the field of truck bearing systems are



: patent research, patent search, bearing system, frame, side member, cross

member, independent suspension module.



Faskhiev Kh.A., Pavlenko P.D. Valkova G.N.

Rama transportnogo sredctva

[Vehicle frame]. Patent no. 2025371 RF, IPC B 62 D 21/02. The applicant and

patent holder: JSC (joint stock company) “KamAZ”, appl. 15.02.94,

publ. 30.12.94, 3 p.


Komarov V.V., Sultanov S.F.

Rama transportnogo sredstva

[Vehicle frame].

Patent no. 2176606 RF, IPC B 62 D 21/02. The applicant and patent holder:

JSC (joint stock company) “KamAZ”, appl. 07.02.2000, no. 2000102962/28,

publ. 10.12.2001, 2 p.


Polyakov V.V., Timofeev V.M., Sultanov S.F. Kalimullin A.R.


gruzovogo avtomobilya

[Truck Frame]. Patent no. 130943 RF, IPC B 62

D 21/02. The applicant and patent holder: JSC (joint stock company)

“KamAZ”, appl. 18.03.2013; publ. 10.08.2013, 2 p.


Rachkov R.V., Filippov V.A., Chekodaev A.A.

Rama transportnogo sredstva

[Vehicle frame] Patent no. 142042 PF, IPC B 62 D 21/02. The applicant and

patent holder: JSC (joint stock company) “KamAZ”, appl. 24.02.2014,

no. 2014106806/11, publ. 20.06.2014, 2 p.


Ertelt Ch., Ubelacker A.

Front Cross-Member of a Commercial Vehicle


Russian: Perednyaya poperechina gruzovogo transportnogo sredstva]. Patent

no. EP 2138381 Germany, IPC B 62 D 21/02. The applicant and patent

holder: MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG, appl. 30.04.2009, no. 09005966.8,

publ. 30.12.2009, 9 p.


Eberle A., Lamche O., Jablonski S., Kreisel M., Preisker R., Ziehlke Ju.


for a Commercial Vehicle with a Multi-Function Bearer Block

[In Russian: Rama

kommercheskogo avtomobilya s modulnym mnogofunktsionalnym nesuschim

blokom]. Patent no. EP 2159135 Germany, IPC B 62 D 21/02, B62D 31/02,

B62D 27/02, B62D 47/02. The applicant and patent holder: MAN Nutzfahrzeuge

AG, appl. 15.07.2009, no. 09009192.7, publ. 03.03.2010, 18 p.


Sattler S., Hintereder Ju.

Chassis Structure with damper for Utility Vehicle

[In Russian: Prostranstvennaya konstruktsiya ramy dlya gruzovogo

avtomobilya]. Patent no. EP 2684778 (A2) Germany, IPC B 62 D 21/06. The