Моделирование процесса взаимодействия ударной волны с цилиндрической оболочкой - page 11

Моделирование процесса взаимодействия ударной волны…
Modeling of the interaction of a shock wave
and a cylindrical shell
© V.M. Dubrovin, T.A. Butina
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
In the work we offer
a method of calculating the pressure on the surface of the cylindrical
shell in the period of immersion and flow of it by a shock wave.
A comparative assess-
ment of the exact solution and the existing approximate solutions is carried out for weak
shock waves
. We consider two types of waves on the surface of
the rigid shell,
and reflected
. As a result we obtained a pattern of presser distribution on the shell sur-
face dependent on the said types of waves.
incident shock wave
reflected shock wave
cylindrical shell
integral transformation, the asymptotic representation
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Dubrovin V.M.
(b. 1934) graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of
the Saratov State University in 1958. Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Computational
Mathematics and Mathematical Physics and of the Higher Mathematics Departments of
Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests: dynamics, strength and
stability of deformable systems; creep of structural materials. He is the author of five
inventions. e-mail: dubrovinvm1934@ mail.ru
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