Технология изготовления дисковых заготовок переменной толщины
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 9·2017 11
International Conference: III Khariton topical scientific conference]. Sarov,
FGUP RFYaTs-VNIIEF Publ., 2002, pp. 254–257.
Kruglov P.V., Tarasov V.A., Baskakov V.D. Analiz nasledstvennykh
preobrazovaniy tekhnologicheskykh pogreshnostey pri izgotovlenii kumulyativnykh
zaryadov. [Analysis of genetic transformation of technological errors in the
production of shaped charges].
Veshchestva, materialy i konstruktsii pri inten-
sivnykh dinamicheskykh vozdeystviyakh. Trudy Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii
V Kharitonovskie tematicheskie nauchnye chteniya
[Substances, materials and
designs at intensive dynamic impacts. Proceedings of the International Conference:
V Khariton topical scientific conference]. Sarov, FGUP RFYaTs-VNIIEF Publ.,
2003, pp. 477–480.
Kruglov P.V., Tarasov V.A., Baskakov V.D. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie
yavleniy tekhnologicheskoy nasledstvennosti pri izgotovlenii kumulyativnykh
zaryadov [Mathematical modeling of technological heredity phenomena in the
manufacture of shaped charges].
Ekstremalnye sostoyaniya veshchestva.
Detonatsiya. Udarnye volny. Trudy Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii VII
Kharitonovskie tematicheskie nauchnye chteniya
[Extreme states of matter.
Detonation. Shock waves. Proceedings of the International Conference: VII
Khariton topical scientific conference]. Sarov, FGUP RFYaTs-VNIIEF Publ., 2005,
pp. 645–648.
Kruglov P.V.
, Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assoc. Professor, Rocket-and-Space Engineering Tech-
nologies Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of over 40
research publications in the field of technology of special machinery. e-mail:
cm12@sm.bmstu.ruBolotina I.A.
, Assistant Lecturer, Rocket-and-Space Engineering Technologies Depart-
ment, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of 8 certificates of authorship
and over 20 research publications in the field of mechanical engineering. e-mail: