Контроль полета пилотируемых космических аппаратов
оценки их состояния…
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 5·2017 13
Control of the manned spacecraft flight
for assessing its condition and functioning
© V.A. Solovyev, V.E. Lubinskiy, N.V. Mishurova
S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia,
Korolev town, Moscow region, 141070, Russia
The current flight control scheme is analyzed. The information necessary for monitoring
the state and functioning of manned spacecraft is structured. The characters of the in-
formation transferred to the spacecraft from the Earth are singled out.
The advantages
and disadvantages of each element of the flight control system are analyzed. The tech-
nology of the control of manned spacecraft state and functioning performed by the per-
sonnel of the operational control group using the necessary software and hardware is
considered. The components of the techniques of monitoring and assessing the state of
the spacecraft from the Earth are provided, and algorithms for monitoring and evaluat-
ing its state, required for automation of the control process, are selected. The algorithm
for controlling the flight operation of the Soyuz spacecraft is presented. The ways of
improving the technology for monitoring the status and functioning of a manned space-
craft performed by the personnel of the operational control group are specified.
manned spacecraft, airborne systems, status assessment, information exchange,
information analysis, anomaly diagnosis, operational control group
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Solovyev V.A.,
Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Acade-
my of Sciences, the first Deputy of the
Principal Designer, S.P. Korolev Rocket and