Разработка технологии создания системы диагностирования…
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 8·2016 11
Development of technology of creating a system for diagnosis
and emergency protection of liquid rocket engines
T.Ch. Kolbaya
, S.M. Pasmurnov
D.Yu. Yakush
JSC “Konstruktorskoe Buro Khimavtomatiki”, Voronezh, 394006, Russia
Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, 394026, Russia
The article deals with the diagnostics and emergency protection system (DEPS) of liquid
rocket engines (LRE) and the challenges the system faces. First, we formulate the main
directions of DEPS improvement and show the structure of the system, including not on-
ly the software and hardware which directly implement the fault detection and emergency
protection functions, but also the system's ancillary elements complex, making possible
its setting and adjustment. Next, we propose DEPS test set-up for both the autonomous
system testing, and complex testing with the protection object and the top-level control
system. Moreover, we present the procedure that enables debugging of the most part of
DEPS software without reference to its hardware. Finally, we evaluate the technology
development results.
diagnostics, emergency protection and control system, software, diagnostic
algorithm, liquid rocket engine
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