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В.А. Воронцов, А.М. Крайнов, Е.В. Власенков, П.С. Черников, Т.Ш. Комбаев, А.Е. Шаханов


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 5·2016

Suggestions about spacecraft with a lunar rove

© V.A.Vorontsov, A.M. Kraynov, E.V.Vlasenkov, P.S. Chernikov,


. Kombaev, A.E. Shakhanov

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, Khimki, 141400, Russia

We formulate the foundations and directions for the research concerning the objectives of

a lunar rover, its functioning conditions, making use of previous experience and solutions

developed earlier, as well as the stock of scientific and technological knowledge related

to the design of new generation automated spacecraft. We define the degree to which the

flight and landing platform of the prototype spacecraft should be adapted to delivering

and deploying the lunar rover. We also select a layout arrangement for the lunar rover

positioning. We state recommendations concerning the exterior design of the spacecraft

with a lunar rover and its components.


the Moon, surface, spacecraft, autonomous lunar exploration rover, landing plat-

form, payload, unified platform.



Polishchuk G.M., Pichkhadze K.M., ed.

Avtomaticheskie kosmicheskie apparaty

dlya fundamentalnykh i prikladnykh nauchnykh issledovaniy


spacecraft for theoretical and applied scientific research]. Moscow, MAI-PRINT

Publ., 2010, 660 p.


Martynov M.B., Zelenyy L.M., Khartov V.V., Mitrofanov I.G., Zaytseva O.N.,

Pichkhadze K.M., Dolgopolov V.P., Lukyanchikov A.V. Rossiyskie

perspektivnye kosmicheskie apparaty dlya fundamentalnykh i prikladnykh

lunnykh issledovaniy [Russian perspective space craft for fundamental and

applied moon researches].

Space Exploration Symposium "Moon Exploration –

Part 3", 59th International Astronautical Congress, Sept 29th — Oct 03rd 2008,










Vorontsov V.A., Matveev Yu.A., Kraynov A.M. Vybor skhemno-

tekhnicheskikh resheniy desantnogo apparata dlya dostavki avtomaticheskogo

planetokhoda [Choosing the scheme-technical solutions for the descent

spacecraft delivering the automatic planet rover].

Sedmaya mezhdunarodnaya

konferentsiya po differentsialnym i funktsionalno-differentsialnym uravneniyam.

Sb. tezisov

[Proc. of the VII International conference on differential and

functional and differential equations (DFDE)]. Moscow, RUDN Publ., 154 p.


Kraynov A.M., Vorontsov V.A.

Elektronnyy zhurnal «Trudy MAI» — Electronic








Available at:


Vinogradov A.P., ed.

Peredvizhnaya laboratoriya na Lune Lunokhod-1

[Lunokhod-1: a Mobile Laboratory on the Moon]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1971,

vol. 1, 128 p.

Vorontsov V.A.

(b. 1952) graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute in 1975. Dr.

Sci.(Eng.), Professor, Department of Space systems and Rocket Technology, Department

of Systems Analysis and Management, Moscow Aviation Institute. Head of Methodology

Board — Chief Design Officer, Lavochkin Research and Production Association. Author