Особенности колебаний жидкости в прямоугольном сосуде с локальными нерегулярностями дна - page 13

Особенности колебаний жидкости в прямоугольном сосуде…
The features of fluid oscillations in a rectangular vessel
with local bottom irregularities
© V.А. Kalinichenko , L.I.
Кorovina , S.V. Nesterov ,
А.N. Soe
Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS, Moscow, 119526, Russia
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, 117997, Russia
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article describes the results of laboratory experiments devoted to the estimation of
bottom topography influence on the stationary surface waves’ frequencies and forms in a
rectangular vessel which oscillates in vertical direction. The effect of one or two eleva-
tions at a horizontal bottom and at a linear shoal is considered properly. The resonance
deviation with respect to the obstruction position changing is investigated in the experi-
ment at a linear inclined bottom. The mathematical model of seiches based on the accel-
erated convergence was used to explain the results of experiment in case of abrupt eleva-
Key words:
stationary surface waves, bottom topography, accelerated convergence, res-
onance dependence, frequency deviation, seiches
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