Развитие импортозамещающей кооперации в автомобильной промышленности России в интересах локализации производства ключевых автокомпонентов и создания продуктовых инноваций на примере проекта автомобиля Lada Vesta - page 17

Развитие импортозамещающей кооперации в интересах локализации…
Development of import-substituting cooperation in the
Russian automotive industry with focus on key automotive
components localization and product innovations
development by the example of the car Lada Vesta
© T.G. Sadovskaya, V.V.Chernikov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
In the context of U.S. dominance on the modern political and economic arena most im-
portant condition for the further development of Russian industry is a shift to a policy of
import substitution and development of its own research and production base. Among key
domestic industries experiencing economic dependence on imported components, is the
automotive industry. This paper analyses strategic goals of the Russian automotive in-
dustry development and investigates the activities made to localize the production of key
automotive components at JSC "AvtoVAZ". Key characteristics of the interaction of
"AvtoVAZ" with component suppliers are laid out. An assessment of results of interna-
tional cooperation of "AvtoVAZ" with the alliance «Renault-Nissan» is made, and an
outlook of import-substituting cooperation for the project to develop a new car Lada Ves-
ta is presented.
industrial policy, import substitution, co-operation, automotive industry, lo-
calization, automotive components
Sadovskaya T.G.,
Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Foreign Eco-
nomic Activities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr. Sci. (Eng.),
Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia. Author of about 120 pub-
lications including 12 monographs in the field of theory and methodology of organiza-
tional economic corporate design, organizational economic business analysis, foreign
economic activities organization, business process management of high technology en-
terprises. e-mail:
Chernikov V.V.
graduated from the Department of Entrepreneurship and
Foreign Economic Activities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 2014.
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