Динамическое нагружение камеры сжатия и ствола баллистической установки - page 14

В.В. Дубинин
Dynamic loading of the compression chamber
and the tube of a ballistic installation
© V.V. Dubinin
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The paper considers the problem of defining the stress-strain state (SSS) of the elastic
hollow cylinder, having a traveling wave with a constant velocity and radial load. The
traveling pulse is of a rectangular shape. The calculations were made on the traveling
load and were used for defining the SSS of the tube. Loading is produced inside the com-
pression chamber of the cylinder. There were obtained parameters depending on the
speed of pressure pulse movement, its width for different sizes of the cylinder. The author
presents parameter dependences of SSS for the general problem, which is solved by su-
perposition of solutions of SSS for real installation at the loads given above.
elastic hollow cylinder, traveling load, radial load, superposition of solutions.
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Dubinin V.V
. (b. 1937) graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School
in 1961. Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics at Bauman
Moscow State Technical University. Author of more than 250 scientific publications in
the field of theoretical and applied mechanics. e-mail:
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