E.A. Andreev, V.I. Krylov, A.V. Novikov, O.E. Shatskiy
Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation
# 1·2018
Parameter calculation and design of an autonomous
thermal cutting machine based on the combustion chamber
of a low-thrust rocket engine
E.A. Andreev, V.I. Krylov, A.V. Novikov, O.E. Shatskiy
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
As part of rocket engine development conversion we designed a metal cutting installation
based on an oxygen/kerosene low-thrust rocket engine (LTRE). We solved the problem of
cooling the combustion chamber and nozzle without involving a third component, i.e.
water, strictly by means of employing regenerative cooling of the combustion chamber
walls by kerosene supplied through pipes into the inter-jacket space, flowing from the
injector head to the nozzle and subsequently returning to the combustion chamber head
through adjacent pipes. By computing the LTRE thermal state we validated the feasibility
of using regenerative kerosene cooling to sustain desired operational thermal conditions
in the LTRE combustion chamber. We used computation results and experimental data to
develop the design and documentation for a general-purpose thermal cutting machine
UTR-2S. Experimental testing results in the case of this thermal cutting machine con-
firmed the validity of the mathematical model and correctness of our assumptions.
conversion, rocket engine, thermal cutting machine, heat transfer, mass trans-
fer, diffusion coefficient, coolant, combustion chamber specific impulse, propellant mix-
ing, enthalpy
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