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М.А. Комков, Д.А. Потапов, А.А. Кудрявцев


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 9·2017

Optimizing the angle of winding carbon fiber reinforced

plastic on the metal liner of the cryogenic pipeline

© M.A. Komkov, D.A. Potapov, A.A. Kudryavtsev

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The study shows the importance of creating cryogenic pipelines for propulsion systems of

aircraft from combined materials based on an ultra-thin steel liner and wound carbon fiber

reinforced plastic. We analyzed the pipeline's cooldown to cryogenic temperatures and found

out that due to a significant difference in coefficients of linear thermal expansion of the liner

and carbon fiber reinforced plastic materials, the axial stability can be lost with the formation

of plications in a thin-walled steel shell. We suggest a technique for determining and selecting

the angle of winding carbon fiber reinforced plastic, in which the axial deformations of a thin-

walled liner and a wound composite will have the same level of deformation.


pipeline, combined shell, cryogenic temperature, linear expansion coefficient



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