Совершенствование методики оценки вероятности пробоя стенок конструкции…
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 7·2017 11
Improvement of methods for evaluating the spacecraft
pressure wall penetration probability
© B.T. Dobritsa
, D.B. Dobritsa
, B.Y. Yaschenko
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Lavochkin Science and Production Association,
Khimki, Moscow region, 141402, Russia
The article suggests the ways to improve the methods for evaluating the probability of the
spacecraft pressure wall penetration caused by meteoroids and space debris impacts.
The problem of evaluating the penetration probability is viewed in the form of ballistic
equations, which define the structure resistibility to high velocity impacts in relation to
the outlet data of spatial distribution models of hypervelocity particles (micrometeorites
and space debris) in space. Currently this problem is solved with the help of proprietary
technology which uses the conjunction of distribution particles models with ballistic
equations. It takes a lot of time to calculate large amounts of the models initial data.
However, this problem can be solved by the enhancement of algorithms of interaction
between the output data of distribution particles models and the unit responsible for the
solutions of ballistic equations. The accuracy of the evaluation obtained is increased due
to the improvement of calculation methods for conditional probability of the pressure
wall penetration.
ballistic equations, probability of penetration, spacecraft, space debris, mete-
oroids and space debris impacts, structure elements
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