Д.Ю. Виноградов, Е.А. Давыдов
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 6·2017
Techniques of shaping steady near-circular
solar-synchronous orbits for the long term existence
of the spacecraft
D.Yu. Vinogradov
, E.A. Davydov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Research & Test Center, Aerospace Defense Central Research Institute,
RF Ministry of Defence, Moscow Region, Korolev town, 141091, Russia
Nowadays in the sphere of creation of perspective space systems for remote sensing of
the Earth there is a tendency for increasing the periods of their active existence to 7–10
years and more. Ensuring the stability of the solar illumination of the flight path during a
long period of active existence is one of the most important requirements for the normal
operation of space systems placed in solar-synchronous orbits. The analysis of the effect
of perturbing factors on the evolution of the parameters of the solar synchronous orbit
showed that the deviation from the condition of solar synchronism was mainly due to the
secular drift of the plane inclination caused by the action of the gravitational attraction
of the Sun on the spacecraft provided that the average orbital altitude is maintained.
article proposes the rational way of maintaining orbit solar synchronism. It provides the
required conditions of the solar illumination of the flight path during a specified period
of spacecraft active existence with a minimum amount of correction of the orbital plane
inclination because of introduction of two corrections to the nominal values of the incli-
nation of the solar synchronous orbit plane and the launch time of the spacecraft. The
correction values depend on the spacecraft service life.
Application of the developed al-
gorithms allows generating the initial values of the solar synchronous orbit parameters
ensuring the constancy of the orbit altitude profile above the terrestrial ellipsoid and the
minimal extreme altitude difference in flight orbits.
remote sensing
of the Earth, solar synchronous orbit, program orbit, stable
orbit, frozen orbit
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