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Исследование пространственной динамики ракеты на старте

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 5·2017 13


Khitrykh D.

ANSYS Advantage. Russkaya redaktsiya — ANSYS Advantage.

Russian edition

, 2011, no. 15, pp. 35–37.


Safiullin I.I.

Izvestiya KGASU. Seriya: Matematicheskoe modelirovanie,

chislennye metody i kompleksy programm (v stroitelstve) — News of the

KSUAE. Ser. Mathematical modelling, numerical methods and complexes of

programs (in building)

, 2014, no. 4 (30), pp. 413–417.


Savitskiy G.A.

Vetrovaya nagruzka na sooruzheniya

[Wind loads on structures].

Moscow, Stroyizdat Publ., 1972, 111 p.


Scheglov G.A., Ermakov A.V. Modelirovanie kolebaniy startovogo kompleksa

raketynositelya pri vetrovom vozdeystvii s uchetom intensivnosti

vikhreobrazovaniya [Simulating vibrations of a launch system launch pad under

wind loading with regard to vortex formation].

Sb. dokl. 11-go Vserossiyskogo

s”ezda po fundamentalnym problemam teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhaniki

(elektronnoe izdanie). Kazan, 20–24 avgusta 2015

[Proc. of the 11th All-

Russian congress on basic problems of theoretical and applied mechanics].

Kazan, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University Publ., 2015, 4481 p.


ANSYS Fluent Theory Guide.

ANSYS Fluent Release 13.0 ANSYS, Inc., 2010,

752 p.


Sergeeva A.A., Sidelnikov R.V. Vliyanie nestatsionarnosti obtekaniya na

dinamiku poleta letatelnogo apparata [Effect of non-steady flow on aircraft

flight dynamics].

Materialy 67-y nauchnoy konferentsii sektsii tekhnicheskikh

nauk, Chelyabinsk, 17–23 aprelya 2015, FGBOU VPO YuUrGU (NIU)

[Proc. of

the 67th scientific conference, Section for Engineering Sciences, Chelyabinsk,

April 17–23 2015, South Ural State University (National research university)].

Chelyabinsk, South Ural State University Publ., 2015, pp. 331–336.


Aref Kh.

Nelineynaya dinamika — Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics


2006, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 411–424.


Dimentberg F.M., Kolesnikov K.S., eds.

Vibratsii v tekhnike


V 6 tomakh


Tom 3.

Kolebaniya mashin, konstruktsiy i ikh elementov

[Vibrations in engineering. In 6

vols. Vol. 3. Oscillations of machines, structures and their elements]. Moscow,

Mashinostroenie Publ., 1980, 544 p.


ANSYS Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.

ANSYS Mechanical Release 13.0.

ANSYS, Inc., 2010, 988 p.


Petrov K.P.

Aerodinamika tel prosteyshikh form

[Aerodynamics of simplest-

shaped solids]. Moscow, Faktorial Publ., 1998, 480 p.


Petrov K.P.

Aerodinamika raket

[Rocket aerodynamics]. Moscow,

Mashinostroenie Publ., 1977, 136 p.


Larichkin V.V.

Aerodinamika tsilindricheskikh tel i nekotorye inzhenernye

zadachi ekologii

[Aerodynamics of cylindrical bodies and specific engineering

problems of ecology]. Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk State Technical University

Publ., 2006, 303 p.

Sergeeva A.A.

, post-graduate student, Department of Aircraft and Automated Plants,

South Ural State University (National Research University). Specializes in unsteady

aerodynamics of aircraft. e-mail:

Sidelnikov R.V.

, Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assoc. Professor, Department of Aircraft and Auto-

mated Plants, South Ural State University (National Research University). Specializes in

aircraft aerodynamics; modelling aerodynamic processes at low and hypersonic speeds.
