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А.А. Сергеева, Р.В. Сидельников


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 5·2017

Investigating three-dimensional dynamics of a rocket

on a launch pad subjected to wind loading

© A.A. Sergeeva, R.V. Sidelnikov

South Ural State University (National research university),

Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia

The article deals with the issues related to the methodology of detecting possible reso-

nant flexural vibrations of a rocket subjected to wind loads. As part of the methodology

under development, we provide an algorithm for calculating the first approximation of

how the rocket body responds to external wind loading. We present the calculation re-

sults as a table containing full wind loading distribution over altitude. Besides, so as to

more thoroughly investigate the issue of resonant flexural vibrations appearing, we ana-

lysed the effect that the perturbing factors of wind loading have on the behaviour of a

cylindrically shaped structure. It showed a significant increase in the lateral force as

compared to drag for a quite narrow Strouhal number range. We present the results in

the form of plotting power characteristics (ratios of the lateral force coefficient to the

drag coefficient) against the Strouhal number.


rocket, lateral force, wind load, resonant flexural vibrations



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